Monday, January 9, 2012

365 Reasons I Love My Husband Challenge

365 Reasons I Love My Husband

This is my very first fact, I never intended to blog but only read the blogs of my friends who share links on their FaceBook pages.  As I was reading one friend's blog recently, I began clicking on icons that interested me.  Before I knew it, I was reading a challenge posted by The Atypical Housewife to blog 365 reasons why you love your husband.  This sparked my interest so much that I set up this blog page just to post my reasons.  Blogging is foreign to me and I don't know how to design a fancy page.  I am not particularly interested in blogging about specific interests as many do...I merely felt that I needed to take her up on this challenge in 2012 to list 365 reasons why I love my husband.  

I have been married 13 years now and we have had many ups and downs.  Through it all, the Lord has shown Himself faithful to my husband and me.  I would like to honor Him and my husband by listing 7 reasons I love my husband each week of 2012.

Here we go:

1.  He makes me laugh, and laugh, and laugh...sometimes to the point of tears.  My husband has an amazing sense of humor.

2.  I met him when I was 11 years old and 25 years later, he is still so very attractive.

3.  He makes me feel safe when I am with him.  He has a black belt in martial arts and I am confident he could protect our family in a dangerous situation.

4.  He is a loving, playful daddy to our four children.

5.  He is the yin to my yang...I am the type A personality, nerd accountant with a strong need for structure...he is the fun-loving, free spirit who is not embarassed to make a fool of himself...even when we are in public.

6.  He is always on my team...right or wrong...he has my back.

7.  He is loyal.    


  1. Congrats on your new blog! :) I enjoyed reading your reasons ~ it's so neat that you met your husband at 11 years old!

    Have a blessed day!

  2. So cute! 11 Years old, really??? So awesome!

  3. I've have been busy the last couple of days so just now catching up! Thank you so much for joining my challenge!

    I love reading they're reasons! It's awesome you met your husband when you were 11!! How amazing!
